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Scitech is open this long weekend - 9am to 4pm!

Scitech is open this long weekend - 9am to 4pm!


Scitech Test Pilots

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At Scitech, we want to ensure all our experiences are engaging and informative for visitors of all ages. A key way we do this is by testing them with children through the Scitech Test Pilots, a unique and innovative way for Scitech to gain insights into what children think about our experiences.

Previously the only consistent way for Scitech to gain feedback from children was to ask their parents, guardians and teachers on their behalf. While this kind of feedback received through surveys both in the Scitech Discovery Centre and student and teacher programs offers important insights, a more structured approach was needed to gain meaningful insights from children.

This led to the creation of the Scitech Test Pilots in 2023, a children’s reference group between ages 7 – 17. Participants are recruited every six months, and each month meet up for sessions that alternate between online and in-person. They test a variety of Scitech’s experiences and provide feedback and ideas, including exhibit prototypes, concepts for science shows, and podcast and video content.

“The feedback we have received so far from participants has been incredibly useful, as while we were always able to predict how children engage with Scitech experiences, it’s great to have these assumptions confirmed through our Test Pilot sessions,” Senior Customer Insights Analyst
Shanii Phillips said.

In May, a feedback session at the Scitech Discovery Centre saw participants testing BenMaker woodworking tools, which not only looked at their interest and enjoyment and asked for suggestions of how the tools could be incorporated into the Discovery Centre experiences, but also how their parents and guardians engaged with them in the activity. Results from the session showed the tools would be an engaging and popular addition to Scitech’s experiences.

Another session got the Scitech Test Pilots listen to our Wonderkids podcast, a science podcast aimed specifically at primary school aged children. From the feedback we were able to determine that children are more interested in video content compared to an audio-only medium.

“For our Test Pilots, the program offers them a great leadership opportunity, with their feedback and ideas helping to improve Scitech for other kids now and into the future,” Shanii said. “At Scitech we are always focused on adjusting and improving our visitors’ experience, and we know that to help us do this children’s opinions are just as important and valuable as adults’.”

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