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Public Liability & Safety

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Public Liability

Scitech has $20,000,000 Public Liability Insurance. A copy of our Public Liability Insurance certificate can be downloaded below.


Scitech Emergency Response Planning for schools involves:

  • An emergency evacuation signal linked directly to the fire department
  • Trained wardens responsible for clearing all public zones
  • Evacuation routes which lead to a safe assembly area (our staff will guide you there)
  • Clearly marked exits and fire hydrant locations
  • Regular evacuation drills.

Scitech has a nominated Duty Manager and trained First Aid staff on duty at all times. It is suggested that the school supervisory team have access to a list of names of participating students, contact telephone numbers, student medical information and relevant health information of supervisors. It is recommended that the school supervisory team have access to a school-provided First Aid kit during the excursion. Please note that for cases of a serious medical emergency, calling 000 should always be the school supervisory team’s first response. In the event of an emergency evacuation, instructions will be issued over the public address system and directly from Scitech staff. School supervisory teams are responsible for managing the students to the safe assembly area. The teacher-in-charge should inform the muster warden that all students are present on arrival at the assembly area.

Scitech has a plan of evacuation zones. Below is an outline of our evacuation map.

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